I was going to make a semi-smarmy comment about "So, this is what hope feels like..."
Then I realized, this actually is the first time that I haven't looked at the political system with nothing but contempt, cynicism, bitterness, anger, and quite frankly, fear. I think that says a lot about how bad things had gotten.
And the fact that I can go from those feelings to a sense of real optimism about the future says a lot about our new President.
Hell Yes Press is no longer active. We have some remaining copies of the *21
Love Poems* anthology (cassette and PDF chapbook). All other titles are
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I Can't Believe Whitney Houston Called Again
"Hello, Brad, it's been a while."
"Who is this?"
"You know who it is."
"What can I do for you, Whitney?"
"Freud wrote that in som...
I was going to make a semi-smarmy comment about "So, this is what hope feels like..."
Then I realized, this actually is the first time that I haven't looked at the political system with nothing but contempt, cynicism, bitterness, anger, and quite frankly, fear. I think that says a lot about how bad things had gotten.
And the fact that I can go from those feelings to a sense of real optimism about the future says a lot about our new President.
President Obama.
President Barack Obama.
President Barack Hussein Obama.
Our 44th President!!!
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